ReFocus when life changes - Stay Positive!
ReFocus and....Retire well
ReFocus your goals
One off short lectures, day courses or blocks of courses to help your staff move into retirement. We can offer full retirement planning courses or sessions as part of a company retirement course. We will help your workers plan for their retirement so they move into it confident and happy.
Individual coaching and mentoring sessions to help you plan for retirement and to
set goals. Move into your retirement with confidence, structure and control.
Avoid slipping into the pitfalls of loneliness, unstructured life and loss of confidence.
Call us to discuss your needs.
We can help individuals with their personal goals, whether it be fitness, career or something completely off the wall. By goal setting you will stick to that diet or that fitness plan. You will avoid procrastination and achieve your goals!
One off short lectures, day courses or blocks of courses to help your staff reduce procrastination and set goals to increase productivity. Also courses in Stress Management and Communication.
Businesses can no longer afford to keep large full time training departments but it has been shown that motivating staff with training helps maintain a happy and motivated workforce and will increase productivity and reduce staff turnover. We can deliver you that training without you having to keep full time training department. Our rates are competitive and we will work to meet your needs at your budget. Contact us to see what we can offer you
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